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10 ways to take charge of your life

Too often we take care of other people’s needs and forget that we too deserve happiness and the freedom to do things in life that make our heart sing.

Here are 10 ways to take back your life.

1. Create some goals. Get clear on what you really want, write them down and start to take action toward your goals right now. Even the smallest step you take will help you feel more in control and lead to greater confidence and self-esteem.
2. Commit to yourself. and your own agenda as much as possible, before helping others each day if possible. 10 minutes mindfulness in the morning can enhance your mood.
3. Set boundaries. When you commit to making changes you will more than likely have to re-set boundaries with family and friends.
4. Start saying no! Respect yourself and your true desires – free yourself.
5. Do something you’ve always wanted to do. Fulfilling long-held wishes brings joy and empowerment. Make a list of 3 things you are going to do for yourself this week/month.
6. Find Balance. Which of these aspects of your life are taking up too much time: social/family, spiritual/creative, career or health?
7. Eat well and exercise. Take charge of your health and energy by treating your body well. Start small and don’t overwhelm yourself, you are more likely to stick with it.
8. Clear out clutter. Time to clear out your wardrobes, kitchen cupboards etc and make way for fresh energy to come into your life. Throw out things that have no real meaning or connection to your life now. Creating space feels wonderful.
9. Finish something. Avoiding unfinished tasks as they can sap your energy and lead to overwhelm. Everyday complete something and get it off your to-do list once and for all.
10. Say Yes to new experiences – the comfort zone is a dangerous place!

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